What can be more frustrating than a stuck poop?

Don’t you wish you could find some type of magic pill to cure constipation?

Well, we don’t have the magic pills but we can suggest you some magic essential oils. These oils have traditionally been used to treat constipation combined with diet changes, exercise, and fiber supplements.

With the increased popularity and use of essential oils, many people are turning to these powerful plant extracts for relief from constipation and other digestive complaints.

Some factors that cause constipation may be simple, such as a change in diet, lack of fluid intake, or lack of exercise, or the issues may be more complex, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Though occasional constipation is bothersome, it is usually not serious. Some natural or home remedies have traditionally been used to treat constipation, including essential oils.

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts taken from plants. They’re extracted either through steaming or cold-pressing the plants.

Aromatherapies and massaging essential oils on pulse points are considered the best natural solution to treat constipation and other digestive disorders. It helps relax the body and encourage muscle contractions, making it easier for the digestive system to function properly.

Here, we’ll list the best essential oils for constipation and how best to utilize them.

Why Use Essential Oils?

Essential oils have potent and natural fragrances that are extracted from a variety of plants.

They have numerous healing and restorative properties that promote optimal health.

  • Keeps Gut Bacteria Healthy – Essential oils can help gut bacteria absorb more nutrients and keep the digestive system in balance.
  • Flushes Out Toxins – There are several detox methods, one of the most natural ways to rid the body of toxins is to use essential oils. These all-natural plant extracts act harmoniously with the body, helping expel unwanted toxins, leaving the body feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Easy Bowel Movement – Most essential oils are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and antispasmodic which means it helps relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and help facilitate bowel movements.

Common Ways of Using Essential Oil for Healthy Bowel Movement

Essential oils enter the body primarily in three ways—applied to the skin, inhaled, or ingested.

Within each of these, there are many different kinds of application methods. For example, you can apply essential oils topically using compresses, sprays, baths, or massaging them into the skin.

Essential oils for constipation can be used orally, ingested, or applied to the skin.

  1. Topical Use – This method involves applying and massaging the oil on the affected area. For healthy bowel movement, apply to your abdomen and massage for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also mix and blend different oils to enhance their healing and therapeutic effects.
  2. Ingestion – Other than applying to the skin, some essential oils can be taken with foods and drinks provided the oils are undiluted and solvent-free. While ingesting you must choose only certified organic essential oils.
  3. Inhaling – Though inhaling is not as effective as applying on skin and ingestion but still many people opt for this method. You’ll need an inhaler or a diffuser to use this method.

13 Essential Oils That Treat Constipation Naturally

Before you go rushing to your essential oil drawer when there is a rumble in your tummy, you should first know what essential oils are good for constipation.

The 13 best essential oils for constipation are:

1. Ginger Oil 

Ginger oil increases heat in a body and can help speed up sluggish digestion.

This oil is extracted from the underground stem/root of the ginger plant.

It is one of the most well-known natural oils for soothing the stomach and promoting better digestion. Ginger oil has a digestive stimulatory that can increase gastric motility, preventing and treating constipation.

How To Use – The best way to use ginger oil is by combining it with warm water. Mix 4 drops of ginger oil in a vessel of hot water and soak a cloth in it. Place the piece of cloth on your abdomen after squeezing out excess water from it.

You can also mix 3 to 5 drops with 1 ounce of coconut or grapeseed oil, apply to the abdomen, and massage.

2. Black Pepper Oil 

Black pepper oil reduces inflammation and helps kick-start the digestive system.

Pepper oil contains anti-inflammatory and stimulant properties that promote healthy digestive functions and prevent the buildup of waste in your digestive tract.

How To Use – Black pepper oil can be taken with salad, smoothies, tea, and even with daily regular dishes.

3. Fennel Oil 

Fennel has soothing properties that help boost digestion.

This essential oil extracted from fennel seeds not only treat constipation, but also other digestive problems such as flatulence, colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia, and hiccups.

How To Use – Fennel oil can be ingested or massaged onto the abdomen.

4. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil helps relax the muscles in the digestive tract, making the bowels looser.

Applying peppermint oil directly to the stomach can help treat stomach pain and constipation.

In aromatherapy, it is promoted to treat a number of problems like common colds, reduce pain and stress, and improve mental function.

How To Use – Combine 2 drops of peppermint oil with 1 teaspoon of warmed carrier oil, like coconut or grapeseed oil. Massage this mixture onto the abdomen and inhale the aroma. The massage will increase the movement of the bowel, and the inhalation will help relax those muscles.

5. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation and improves oxygen supply to the gut.

The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of rosemary can help treat constipation when applied on the affected area.

How To Use – You can mix the oil into a massage lotion, or you can add a few drops to an air diffuser to get the full benefits.

6. Lemon Oil

The limonene antioxidant compounds in lemon oil help boost digestion and relieve constipation.

This is an oil purely extracted from the skin of the lemon. It contains limonene antioxidant compounds which allow the digestion process to run more smoothly and helps eliminate constipation.

How To Use – This essential oil can be diluted and applied topically to your skin, as well as diffused into the air and inhaled.

7. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil relaxes the gut system and helps relieve constipation.

Most aromatherapies used lavender oil because of its versatility. These oils are distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, the oil promotes relaxation and creates a calm sensation.

How To Use – Massage your abdominal area in a circular motion with diluted lavender essential oil. This will help you to have an easy bowel movement.

8. Chamomile Oil 

Chamomile Oil helps to treat constipation by promoting the good bacteria in the gut.

Similar to lavender oil, chamomile oil is also very versatile and has been used for a variety of conditions, from digestive issues to wound healing, for many years.

How To Use – Apply to two fingertips and massage the stomach area in a clockwise motion up to three times daily. You can also add a few drops of chamomile oil to an air diffuser and inhale the scent.

9. Turmeric Oil

Turmeric oil treats constipation by re-arranging the balance of gastrointestinal bacteria.

Turmeric has anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic qualities and is loaded with antioxidants. The oil from turmeric does not only treat constipation but can be used to treat wounds, skin problems and more.

How To Use –  You can add a few drops of turmeric oil to savory meals, as it will not only enhance the flavor of the meal but also benefit your digestive processes as the food is eaten.

10. Marjoram Oil (Origanum Majorana)

Marjoram Oil contains natural laxative properties that can stimulate bowel movement.

Marjoram, also known as sweet marjoram, is an aromatic herb in the mint family.

Marjoram oil is antispasmodic and can improve digestion by promoting looser stools.

It also has calming and relaxing effects on the body and nervous system which can facilitate the reduction of the stress response while activating the “rest and digest” response

How To Use – Marjoram oil can be used topically, aromatically, and even internally with caution to provide a range of benefits.

11. Oregano 

Oregano oil helps fight against attacks from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and intestinal worms.

The oregano oil helps protect the gut wall from damage, helps in easing indigestion, gastrointestinal illnesses, and prevents other various health disorders.

How To Use – Blend a few drops of oregano oil with a warmed carrier oil and slowly massage this blend on your stomach and lower abdomen.

12. Sweet Basil Oil

Sweet basil has carminative properties that soothe the pain of constipation.

This oil emits a warm, sweet, freshly floral, and crisply herbaceous scent that is further characterized as airy, vibrant, uplifting, and reminiscent of the scent of licorice.

Traditionally, sweet basil oil has been used to soothe the pain of constipation, and also help stimulate the movement of the bowels.

How To Use – You can add a few drops into a savory dish or to a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam. Adding a few drops to a bathtub before bathing can also ease constipation.

13. Orange Oil 

Orange essential oil reduces the incidents of painful and reflexive muscle contractions inside the gut.

Orange contains Citrus Sinensis, a chemical compound that is rich in limonene, myrcene, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps promote digestion, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

It contains limonene, myrcene, and anti-inflammatory properties which promote digestion, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

How To Use – Add a few drops of orange oil to your favorite meals and serve.

Precautions To Take While Using Essential Oils

The dose is the most important factor in essential oil safety.

Some essential oils used in the wrong doses or too high a concentration can cause more harm than benefits.

  • Dilute the essential oil with 2 to 4 drops of carrier oil, such as olive and coconut oil before applying it directly to your skin.
  • Do not go in direct sunlight after applying essential oils, as some of them can cause skin sensitivity that results in blistering, sunburn and long-lasting change to the color of the skin.
  • Patients with any prior medical conditions are recommended to consult their doctor before using any essential oil.
  • Use an infuser to inhale essential oils or have them permeate the air in your personal space. If you don’t have an infuser, you can boil a small amount of any essential and inhale the steam.
  • Do not use any chemically infused product on top of essential oils as it may cause skin allergy.
  • You can also mix in trace amounts of essential oils with other products you use regularly such as hand lotion, body lotion, or body wash.
  • Not all essential oils are safe for consumption or to be used by everyone. Consult with a licensed and experienced aromatherapist or your doctor before starting a long-term essential oil regimen.

FAQs About Essential Oils for Constipation

Not all essential oils for constipation are drinkable. But, for drinkable essential oils take one tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning. Taking more than one tablespoon can lead to diarrhea and cramps.

Yes, you can use gastrointestinal essential oil for constipation. Stimulation of gastrointestinal function can include support of indigestion, cramps, stomach, and intestinal disorders, bloating flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea.

Applying essential oils to the abdominal area and massaging them into the body can allow the digestive tissues and organs to absorb the oils and support digestive action. This consists of relaxing muscles and stimulating related organs, aiding in moving food down the digestive tract, and/or stimulating peristalsis.

Relieve Constipation With Ease!

Next time you experience an infrequent bowel movement, use these essential oils for constipation.

Using these oils is effective due to their anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative, antibacterial, sedative, and relaxant properties.

While the use of essential oils for constipation is a popular and well-proven approach, there are some imminent risks in overusing essential oils or using them incorrectly.

Consuming any essential oil can result in gastrointestinal distress or allergic reactions, depending on your specific allergies or sensitivities.

To get a better result from essential oils for constipation, you should consult a licensed aromatherapist, nutritionist, or doctor.

Incorporating any one or a combination of the abovementioned essential oils in your lifestyle is a good way to try to naturally remedy the issue.

However, it’s important to discuss any changes to your regular diet or health regimens with your doctor in advance to make sure that you’re doing everything right.