Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems in the world and can affect people from all walks of life.

People experience constipation due to the foods they eat or avoid, their lifestyle choices, the medications they take, or the medical conditions they have.

Symptoms of constipation are infrequent bowel movement, lower abdominal pain, hard or small stools, and difficulty in passing stools.

Constipation can be very uncomfortable, but thankfully, you can treat them with a home remedy for constipation given in this article.

Take the time to learn and try some of the best natural remedies and see which one works best for you.

How To Prevent Constipation in the First Place?

80% of constipation problems are associated with unhealthy eating habits, dehydration, and lack of exercise.

Adjusting your eating habits will not only keep constipation at bay but will improve your overall gut health.

  1. Squat Pooping Position – When you poop in a squat position the colon (a tube-like organ connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other) is straightened and your anus muscles are relaxed making the stool pass easily.
  2. Take Care of Gut Bacteria – Gut bacteria plays an important role in keeping your stomach healthy. Any imbalance of the intestinal microflora can lead to constipation and other gut problems, including fermented foods such as yogurt or miso in your diet can keep the bacteria healthy.
  3. Keep Your Body Hydrated – Maintaining healthy fluid intake not only keeps your body hydrated but also helps to soften your stools. Drinking at least 2 liters of water will keep your gut and overall body hydrated.
  4. Chew Your Food – The digestion process starts from the moment you put the food in your mouth. Not taking enough time to break the food down in the mouth can impact stool mobility and lead to constipation. Be conscious of your chewing habits and try to avoid gulping as much as possible.
  5. Don’t Stress –  When the stress response is activated, digestion is suppressed so the body can reroute its resources to trigger fight or flight. The central nervous system shuts down digestion by slowing contractions of digestive muscles and decreasing secretions for digestion. Try to be as stress-free as possible.

15 Natural Remedies for Constipation

Constipation can be an uncomfortable problem to have.

Many people experience it from time to time, especially after a change in eating habits and certain medications. A home remedy for constipation can treat your hardened stool at home without needing to call a doctor.

Here are 15 natural home remedies to relieve constipation at the comfort of your home:

  1. Exercise – Some of the best exercises for constipation involve twisting your torso, such as yoga, jogging, weight lighting, and cardio.
  2. Eat More Fiber – Fiber works like magic to promote a healthy digestive system. Fiber-rich foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Foods such as oatmeal, flaxseed, whole grains, fruit, beans, bran, and vegetables provide a fiber source that can prevent hard stool constipation.
  3. Vitamins – Including Folic acid, vitamin C, B-5, B-12, B-1, and other vitamins can help your body have a better functioning gut system. Most vitamins can be taken once or twice a day but it’s better to consult a doctor before you start taking them.
  4. Probiotics -These are good bacteria that help keep your gut healthy. Probiotics can be helpful for people who are suffering from constipation caused by imbalanced intestinal microflora.
  5. Omega 3 Fatty Acid – Fatty acid works as a lubricant for the intestinal walls, producing bowel movements and relieving constipation. Fish oil and flaxseeds are great sources of Omega-3.
  6. Baking Soda – Baking soda is one of the best-proven home remedies for constipation. It re-alkalizes the stomach, neutralizes the acids, and gives relief from stomach aches.
  7. Castor Oil – Castor oil is known as a stimulant laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out. Take one to two teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach and allow up to 8 hours before a bowel movement occurs.
  8. Senna – Senna is an herb that utilizes the leaf, flower, and fruit of the cassia plant. It is often used on a short-term basis to treat constipation and to empty the bowels before surgery and certain medical procedures. Senna is in a class of medications called stimulant laxatives. Drinking senna increases the activity of the intestines to cause a bowel movement.
  9. Aloe Vera – People who experience periodic constipation may use aloe vera juice as a natural laxative. The outer portion of the plant contains compounds called anthraquinones, and these have a laxative effect. You can take aloe vera orally or add it to smoothies and other beverages.
  10. Coffee – The simple act of drinking coffee stimulates your gastrocolic reflex. This reflex is responsible for your bowel movement whenever you drink coffee.
  11. Lemon Juice – Lemons are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant compound that pulls water into the gut. Increasing water content inside the gut can help soften stools and stimulate bowel movements.
  12. Anethole – Fennel seeds contain Anethole that helps to relax muscles in the intestines. Soothing muscles in the stomach and intestines helps to relieve gassiness that’s from constipation or acid reflux.
  13. Blackstrap Molasses – Blackstrap molasses is molasses that has been boiled down to a concentrated form and contains vital vitamins and minerals like magnesium. One tablespoon in the evening, plain or added to warm water can gently encourage a bowel movement in the morning.
  14. Honey – Honey is known for its mild laxative benefits, taking one tablespoon of honey three times a day can treat constipation. You can take it alone but for a better result, mix it in a warm cup of tea or water with a bit of lemon.
  15. Prunes, Figs, Raisins – Eating prunes has been the standard home remedy for constipation. Besides their fiber content, they contain sorbitol, which seems to have a laxative effect.

5 Essential Oils for Constipation

The most common way to use essential oils is to inhale them, both for their amazing scent and their therapeutic properties.

But, they can also be used in diffusers and humidifiers, as well as diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the skin.

  1. Ginger Oil – It has digestive stimulatory effects that can increase gastric motility, preventing and treating constipation. To relieve constipation with ginger oil, mix 3 to 5 drops of ginger oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. Massage the mixture onto the abdomen.
  2. Fennel Oil – Fennel seed is a powerful digestive stimulant that can act as a laxative when ingested, effectively treating constipation quickly. Fennel essential oil is most effective as a digestive stimulant when mixed with a small amount of carrier oil and massaged onto the abdomen. Do this two to three times a day as needed.
  3. Lemon Oil – One study found that using oils like lemon oil in aromatherapy massages improved digestion. Mix lemon oil into a carrier oil, and massage it into the skin.
  4. Turmeric Oil – Turmeric contains high anti-inflammatory properties. Even a small amount of this anti-inflammatory oil can re-balance gastrointestinal bacteria and improve digestion. The best way to include this oil in your diet is by mixing a few drops in your meal.
  5. Basil Oil – Helps release pent-up gas in the stomach and stimulates bowel movements and other digestive functions. It can be added to your favorite meals or you can bathe in it. Mix a little bit of basil oil into a warm bath and soak in it for about half an hour.

5 Herbal Teas That Make You Poop

Many people like herbal teas for their soothing and relaxing properties.

Some teas may help relieve constipation.

  1. Senna – The most common application for senna tea is to stimulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation. The primary, active compounds in senna leaves are known as senna glycosides or sennosides. Sennosides cannot be absorbed in your digestive tract, but they can be broken down by your gut bacteria.
  2. Peppermint – The soothing effect of the menthol in peppermint may help to relax an upset stomach while moving stool through the intestines. Drinking a cup of peppermint tea after each meal may benefit people who experience constipation and an upset stomach.
  3. Chamomile – Chamomile tea is known for its calming properties and may help to alleviate constipation by soothing stomach muscles. The tea works to reduce inflammation and cramping, allowing the digestive system to begin moving food properly.
  4. Ginger – When constipation stems from poor digestion, ginger root may help. Many people use ginger tea to calm the irritation in the digestive system and improve digestion.
  5. Parsley – Parsley is a common herb that may help with digestive disorders. A tea that includes the leaves or seeds of the plant may help to relieve mild constipation. Traditionally, people have chewed the leaves or stems to address issues such as bad breath and flatulence.

5 Natural Herbs for Constipation

The following herbs may have a laxative or muscle-relaxing effects that help to relieve constipation and encourage bowel movements.

  1. Cascara Sagrada – Cascara sagrada is primarily used to treat constipation. The anthraquinones contained in the bark slow down the absorption of water and electrolytes in the intestines.
  2. Psyllium – When you combine Psyllium with water, it swells and produces more bulk, which stimulates the intestines to contract and helps speed the passage of stool through the digestive tract.
  3. Rhubarb – The tannin content in rhubarb has a laxative effect and antidiarrheal effects that help ease constipation and improve overall gut health. As a result, rhubarb should only be used on a short-term basis for constipation.
  4. Slippery Elm – The slippery nature of this herb helps to lubricant the colon, bulk and soften the stool making it easy to exit. Some people also use slippery elm powder in water to soothe heartburn and mild stomach discomfort.
  5. Dandelion Root – One of the best home remedies for constipation is dandelion root. It has a rich source of prebiotic fiber inulin, which has been shown to reduce constipation and promote the movement of food through the digestive system.

7 Foods in Your Kitchen That Cause Constipation

Eating foods that do not contain much fiber may contribute to constipation.

These are foods that you should avoid to prevent constipation:

  1. Dairy Products – Lactose is a type of sugar naturally found in milk and dairy products. When lactose is fermented, it can produce methane gas. Methane gas slows down the time it takes food to travel through the gut.
  2. Fast Foods – Fried and fast foods are low in fiber and high in fat and salt. These characteristics may slow digestion and increase the likelihood of constipation.
  3. Red Meat – A juicy steak or burger once in a while can be a healthy addition to your diet, but eating red meat daily can contribute to constipation. Red meat has no fiber. Fiber is needed because it adds bulk to stool so it moves through your system smoothly.
  4. Eggs – Some people believe that eggs can cause constipation. However, there is not much scientific evidence that supports this. They are a low fiber food, though, so eating a lot of them may contribute to constipation.
  5. White Rice, Bread, and Pasta – Yes, white rice, bread, and pasta can lead to constipation because the husk, bran, and germ have been removed. That’s where all the fiber and nutrients are!
  6. Underripe Bananas – It’s all in the timing! Unripe bananas can cause constipation; ripe bananas can help relieve constipation. Unripe or under-ripe green bananas cause constipation because they still have a lot of starch, which can be hard for the body to digest.
  7. Alcohol – Alcohol can irritate the digestive system and change how the body absorbs fluids. It may change the regularity of a person’s bowel movements and could result in either diarrhea or constipation. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the stomach and gut over time.

Do Antibiotics Cause Constipation?

Yes, antibiotics can cause constipation!

Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. They work by both inhibiting and/or killing bad bacteria but the sad part is they can’t differentiate between the good and bad bacteria.

As it destroys the pathogenic bacteria, it also gets rid of the essential bacteria that your body needs to function.

That’s when you start experiencing constipation.

In addition to impacting your gut bacteria, antibiotics also affect your ability to absorb important minerals like magnesium.

Good magnesium levels ensure proper motion of the gut and help relax your intestines. A deficiency in magnesium due to antibiotics can also cause constipation.

It’s important that you only take antibiotics when recommended by a doctor to avoid further compromising your gut health and immune system.

FAQs About Natural Remedies for Constipation

Maintaining optimal digestion helps ensure that there is long-term relief from constipation. One would have to eat meals on time. Fresh fruits and wholesome, freshly cooked food eaten warm and in relaxed surroundings helps ensure optimal digestion.

Water is the best drink for constipation. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day will help relieve constipation. Warm lemon juice can also help digestion and relieve constipation.

Yes! Magnesium is a key component to the function of 300+ enzyme systems in the body that regulate things like muscle and nerve function, blood glucose, and blood pressure. Magnesium has an osmotic effect that draws water into the intestines. This increase in water stimulates bowel motility, which means it contracts the muscles that push waste through the GI tract. “It also softens and increases the size of the stool, triggering a bowel movement and helping to make stools easier to pass. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, and spinach are all abundant in magnesium.

Treat Your Constipation Naturally

Experiencing constipation once in a while should not be troublesome. But, if you experience it frequently, you may try a home remedy for constipation for a week or two.

Home remedies can give positive results for mild constipation.

If symptoms do not subside, go to your doctor.

It is advisable to add healthy and fiber content food and to perform some physical activity or daily exercise. This would help your body to function effectively.